lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010


Personalize Golf balls.
Consist on making your golf balls the color you want or with the picture you want printed on them,
the idea of personalizing each ball is that on each swing you make, you will focus on the balls, reminding you on something that will concentrate your mind on it, that will make you focus on your goal along your swing, and to have your eyes attention always on your mind.
The idea of the printed theme on your ball is to bring both more focus and attention on the ball, making a smoother swing directly related with your goal, reaching a better touch with the ball, approaching the hole.

Can be a family picture, your sons or wife picture that will encourage your game, can be a color that will bring serenity to your mind and focus on your swing, can print a name or any word that remind the importance of your game. The theme is up to you, choose the way to a perfect swing, just encourage your self with a subject that caught your concentration and attention, finally make a swing that stops time and plays your mind.
Product will not harm golf ball performance

Have the balls, and swing that goal!

Have the balls to compete big, Golf your life.

Strategies to enter a new market and new players.

1. Place a machine on the most current golf clubs, on hole 19, and practices fields, and advertise with samples.

2. encourage players to try this method of concentration while practicing.
Advertise balls as memories and as goals to place in a hole.
have our brand sponsor golf tournaments. Sponsor a PGA player with our designs on his personalized golf balls.

3. placed various machines on tournaments and the most recognize golf stores on a location.

4. promote our services for companies, that gives this kind of souvenirs to their employees, work by contract.

5. Promote our service to any brand that would be interested on advertising its name on our golf balls, Nestle, Juan Valdez, Walt-mart, etc.

6. Make an alliance with titlest or a well known brand to advertise our design with their quality. This idea its for titlest own design , personal design are made over any kind of ball.
balls with titlest brand would be previously made(Standard Product).

7. For individual personalization would be over any ball that players would want to work over.

1 comentario:

  1. Juan, I think you are very creative with the idea of the golf balls. Please be careful when you are referencing, you are not including dates, please check the APA or Jibs Referencing style.
