domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010


Corporate responsibilities

We have seen over the years the situation where many corporations have been involved regarding not legal practices over their profit means. Corporations are a juridical person when it deals with law, but a law that in most cases is arrange by a penalty or the punishment is not enough for the treatment of their actions and it’s seen unpunished. The practices led by these corporations in most cases involved a huge number of people that are harm by the result of these grotesque activities. When addressing the fact that corporations have legal right, comes the question whether humans and corporations should have the same legal rights; human actions and corporate actions can be seen in different dimensions, the practices held by an organizations are run or permitted with the collaboration of human in a certain degree of responsibilities, this intentions and bad practice could leave to catastrophic results harming many people or even the environment or animal, it depends on the case. The negligence of the human involved are often carried by different circumstances, some of them are pressure to carried out this practices because keeping their jobs depends on it, complicity is driven by a pressure not intention, but is still complicity to a fact that would leave behind any damaged. The fact is that corporations harm in a bigger dimension, but these practices are carried out thanks in most cases by a particular interest of some individuals; corporations harm big by big choices made by individuals, so when addressing how to managed punishment between corporations and individuals the gap should exist, been more aggressive over the corporation that at the end it’s the direct cause of the damage, if the punishment its correctly sentenced, the individuals involved are being punished too in a more efficient way. Corporations should be base on a social reason that tries to do good to the people and any subject of matter involved in their practices; if the corporation is socially damaging the world, law must be enforced and hard to punish their actions and the individuals involved, at the end the life of many humans depend on this practices and corporations act as an individual causing damage to others.

Image retrieve from:
Peter Schatzer, C. o. (n.d.). International Organization for Migration. Retrieved Oct 24, 2010, from

IOM and Women

In Afghanistan the IOM is given women programmed activities to teach them skills to start their own business. The environment lived in Afghanistan due to the Taliban regime and the war left behind many widows, that now thanks to the program thrown by the IOM are being able to supply their dairy products, clothing and a well standard of living for them and their Childs.

Rahilla Zafa. (2006 , 05 19). International Organization for Migration. Retrieved Oct 24, 2010, from Women Benefit from Livelihood Assistance:

IOM is also engaging migrant women living in Europe, to use their remittances to start businesses in their home counties in Africa. The idea is not to return them to their home countries but too involved them in the progress of the country, regarding the role play by women on Africa over the reduction of poverty and peace keeping due to the local development they have applied on their host counties.

Peter Schatzer, C. o. (n.d.). International Organization for Migration. Retrieved Oct 24, 2010, from

IOM it’s also taking care about the women trafficking in Central America joint with most governments in this regional Area.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Toshiba and L&T plans to form a joint venture to set up manufacturing facilities. The idea is to merge the two companies to coexist as one on the Indian market, using the benefits of each one to accomplish an expanding market in the regions of Asia, middle east and Australia.
L&T is the biggest company of engineering in India, so this is a great opportunity to unified forces for the benefit of both companies.
Merging means that two companies get together to form a new one to accomplish wider purposes, but both companies remain existing, this is the case of Toshiba and L&T that merge together to facilitate comercial activities in the region combining expertise.
In the other hand an acquisition is when a company takes over a target company, and the target company cease to exist, and the buyer company is the one remaining supplemented with the just acquired.
• If Toshiba would of bought L&T and ceased it from its name, it would be an acquisition.
• If Toshiba would of bought L&T to become its owner, but do not change its name and existence, it would be a case of both merger and acquisition; Both companies exist, they both use their expertise and facilities, but one owns the other over utilities.

Pradeep Pandey, E. B. (2010, Oct 25). The Economic Times. Retrieved Oct 24, 2010, from The Economic Times:

Ubuntu Philosophy

The Ubuntu Philosophy it’s deeply analyzing and Understanding the behavior of the people beneath an organization from their values and beliefs, the basis of their way of living and sharing in their cultural environment towards performance.
Western management Styles can be suggested as a technical way of management, where it focus only in numbers, outputs regarding inputs, control and individual self-interest; according to the Ubuntu Philosophy there are more significant facts while managing the people in an organization, because their behavior and performance are attached not to self-interest purposes or maximization of resources, but in the other hand they care more from their collective approach and harmony.
Managers should really take into account the different cultures, their beliefs and values in order to applied this knowledge in the organization, people around the globe would always seek for the best of them and depending its culture, the best of the group, this reliability comes from their beliefs and values, so the best way to seek for a greater performance in your organization is to applied a perfect environment inside the organization regarding on the cultural environment in order to enhance a better social and efficient productivity towards the organizational goal. Organizations are not governed by one pattern as the western management tries to converge for a global strategy. The world has many cultural differences, what means that organizations around the globe can not only follow one management pattern, to make it clear, an example, the way you managed in one part of the world with great results, can be the worst in another corner of the world, its directly related with the beliefs and values of the people; never the less we are all humans and the canon of an organization relies on the humanness of all people, searching for dignity, respect and participation.

Mangaliso, M. P. (2001, Vol. 15 No. 3). Building competitive advantage from ubuntu: Management lessons from South Africa. Academy of Management Executive , 23-33.