domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

IOM and Women

In Afghanistan the IOM is given women programmed activities to teach them skills to start their own business. The environment lived in Afghanistan due to the Taliban regime and the war left behind many widows, that now thanks to the program thrown by the IOM are being able to supply their dairy products, clothing and a well standard of living for them and their Childs.

Rahilla Zafa. (2006 , 05 19). International Organization for Migration. Retrieved Oct 24, 2010, from Women Benefit from Livelihood Assistance:

IOM is also engaging migrant women living in Europe, to use their remittances to start businesses in their home counties in Africa. The idea is not to return them to their home countries but too involved them in the progress of the country, regarding the role play by women on Africa over the reduction of poverty and peace keeping due to the local development they have applied on their host counties.

Peter Schatzer, C. o. (n.d.). International Organization for Migration. Retrieved Oct 24, 2010, from

IOM it’s also taking care about the women trafficking in Central America joint with most governments in this regional Area.

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