domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

Ubuntu Philosophy

The Ubuntu Philosophy it’s deeply analyzing and Understanding the behavior of the people beneath an organization from their values and beliefs, the basis of their way of living and sharing in their cultural environment towards performance.
Western management Styles can be suggested as a technical way of management, where it focus only in numbers, outputs regarding inputs, control and individual self-interest; according to the Ubuntu Philosophy there are more significant facts while managing the people in an organization, because their behavior and performance are attached not to self-interest purposes or maximization of resources, but in the other hand they care more from their collective approach and harmony.
Managers should really take into account the different cultures, their beliefs and values in order to applied this knowledge in the organization, people around the globe would always seek for the best of them and depending its culture, the best of the group, this reliability comes from their beliefs and values, so the best way to seek for a greater performance in your organization is to applied a perfect environment inside the organization regarding on the cultural environment in order to enhance a better social and efficient productivity towards the organizational goal. Organizations are not governed by one pattern as the western management tries to converge for a global strategy. The world has many cultural differences, what means that organizations around the globe can not only follow one management pattern, to make it clear, an example, the way you managed in one part of the world with great results, can be the worst in another corner of the world, its directly related with the beliefs and values of the people; never the less we are all humans and the canon of an organization relies on the humanness of all people, searching for dignity, respect and participation.

Mangaliso, M. P. (2001, Vol. 15 No. 3). Building competitive advantage from ubuntu: Management lessons from South Africa. Academy of Management Executive , 23-33.

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